In the Barilliance platform, different triggered emails can be sent to different audiences easily. Here is an example on how to do that for Cart Abandonment Emails.
How to trigger different emails to different audiences
Suppose you want to send different cart abandonment email to visitors with a specific Brand item in their shopping cart and a generic triggered email to all other visitors.
To achieve this we define multiple cart abandonment emails with the same schedule. The emails will be evaluated for each visitor by the order specified in the priority group section of the email (in the email rules list) So in the case above we will want to Send the Branded email first. If the visitor did not match the branded email audience we want to send the generic email.
So the steps are:
Create two emails
define two emails "Branded cart abandonment' and Generic cart abandonment' both emails to have the same schedule for example 1 hour after the abandonment.Set Branded email segment
In the Branded email Segment section select Product attribute targeting which will open the attribute selector. Set the brand attribute to equal the wanted Brand(s)
βSet first priority to the branded email
In the rules list set the two emails to the same priority group and set higher priority (lower number) to the branded email so it will be evaluated first.
Once the two rules are activated visitors with Samsung item in their cart will receive the branded email and visitors without will receive the generic email.
More segmenting options
Emails can be segmented based on many parameters including
Shopping Cart /Purchased amount
Cart item names / URLs
Purchase history (purchansed/didnt purchase in the last X days)
Visitor custom properties
Products custom attributes (color, brand etc..)