What are a triggered emails
Triggered emails occur as a result of action on the website. For example abandonment or a visitor sending herself the cart content.
Types of triggered emails
Barilliance supports the following types of triggered emails:
Cart Abandonment - Automatically sends the content of the visitor shopping cart .
Browse Abandonment - Automatically sends a list of the recently viewed products.
Post purchase - Automatically sends the purchased items.
Visit Summary - Visitor manually sends herself the viewed and cart items.
Email My cart - Visitor manually sends herself the cart content.
Back in stock reminder - Automatically send notification of out of stock item restocking.
Example - Setting up Cart Abandonment email
To create a triggered email add a new rule for the required triggered email (e.g. Cart Abandonment)
Step 1- General Settings
Schedule: Select how much time to wait after the end of the session to send the triggered email. For the first abandonment email in a series of emails its recommended to set 30 minutes.
Block Sending this email more than once in: Select for how long to wait until the same email can be sent again. use this to avoid sending too many emails to your visitors. Recommended value: 14 days.
From Email: The email address of the sender. this cannot be changed per email because its part of the website general settings.
Reply To: The reply to address.
BCC: Use this to send yourself copies of the emails. It is used for testing the emails sent to real visitors when launching a new campaign. Do not leave it on since it might result in a large amount of emails.
Only send emails to BCC address: This is used for testing real emails before allowing visitors to receive them. It will send the emails only to the specified bcc address and not the real recipients.
Delivery time window: Use it to send the emails in a specific time window for example 7AM to 10PM daily. Emails scheduled to be sent during the time window will be sent normally. Emails which are supposed to be sent outside of the delivery time window are put in a waiting queue and will be sent at the start of the next delivery window.
In order to avoid sending outdated emails, If the visitor visits the website during the waiting period, the email is deleted from the queue and not sent. Instead, a new abandonment email will be sent based on the latest visit.
Note: To send across midnight you can set for example 23 to 02 which means the time window is between 11PM to 2AM the next day.
Step 2- Email Content
Email Subject: Enter the email subject line here.
Editing Method: For new emails it is recommended to keep the default.
Templates: A selection of default templates is offered. Templates can be saved and re used. Select one of the templates to continue to the editor.
Step 3 - Widget styling
Once the email content is changed to your desired content continue to the Widget tab
There are two types of widgets:
1- Simple - to use it click off the Advanced Widget switch. The widget will show images of the products.
You can select how many items to show, the image box size and space between items.
2- Advanced - the widget HTML is editable and you can change it to style the widget freely. We recommend staying close to the default settings.
Step 4- Tracking
Analytics Tracking - Set or change the url parameters for all clicks coming from this email.
Barilliance Conversion Tracking - this will add relevant information to clicks so revenue generated from this email can be shown in Barilliance dashboards.
Step 5 - Testing
Send Test email to: Before sending emails to your visitors you are required to test them. Use the Testing tab to send yourself test emails with arbitrary products.
Set Custom Parameters: you might want to see how user information will appear in emails. you can use this section to simulate content in the test emails.
Advanced Features
Translate Unsubscribe message: Each triggered email is required to show the unsubscribe url which blocks the user from receiving further emails from the site. The message shown to the visitor when they click the unsubscribe link can be translated here.
Preheader: Preheader is the text that the email client shows when the email appears in the emails list (inbox). You can add the preheader and it will be added to the start of the email in a way that is not visible to users reading the email.
Add head section to email: Advanced users may want to add styles to the head section of the email. Use this section to do that.
(other features such as unique coupon code, use https on product links, and email on mobile are expermental or obsolete and therefore ignored in this document)
Segmenting triggered emails
Triggered emails can be targeted to specific visitor groups based on many parameters such as purchase history. product attributes, user attributes and more.
For more information read https://support.barilliance.com/en/articles/7956312-segmenting-triggered-emails