What are category page badges
Category page badges are small icons or texts shown on top of products in listing pages to give users more information about the products.
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* - Viewed and Purchased messages requires Barilliance Live! to be activated on the website.
Barilliance personalization engine will collect the relevant data and show the right badge based on default priority which you can change. Contact Barilliance support.
Before using category page badges
Before you use category page badges. You should request Barilliance support to set up your category page for badges display and to activate data collection.
Setting up category page badges
Category page badges action can be found under the Additional Tools menu.
Select new rule and add action 'Category page badges'
Visual settings
You can change the visual aspect of the badges using the visual settings.
Messages settings
Click the messages tab to see the messages editor.
Using the messages editor you can add messages or change existing messages.
The engine will show one message per product. It checks for relevant message in the order in which the messages appear in the rule.
To change priority of a message drag it up or down in the messages list.
To edit a message click it
To delete a message hover over it with the mouse pointer and click the garbage can icon
Message specific background and font color can be set in the message zone
Number Rounding considerations
Some messages show a number which is a result of calculating prices such as percent of discount.
Due to rounding errors the number may appear strange for example 20.02% discount.
Use the Value rounding method select box to decide if these numbers should be rounded up down or to the nearest number.