Custom Profile Set up
Sergio avatar
Written by Sergio
Updated over a week ago

One of the options we found to segment customers (Who) within Visitor Insights is Custom Profile.

Before to start:

  • The names and variables are examples, these can be changed according to your needs. 

  • Do not use data which can receive more than a few dozens of possible values. Unlimited values data such as names is not allowed.

There are three ways to implement it:

1) Include in the page a Javascript variable named barilliance_data that will hold any custom user data/segment barilliance should be aware of.

barilliance_data ={ "customer_type":"vip", "age":30, "gender":"male", "purchased":true};

2)  Include this information could be any HTML element


<input type='hidden' id='barilliance_data' value='{ "customer_type":"vip", "age":30, "gender":"male","purchased":true }'>

<div id='barilliance_data' value='{ "customer_type":"vip", "age":30, "gender":"male","purchased":true }'></div>

3) Include this information in a Cookie

Cookie name: barilliance_data
cookie value is Json string { "customer_type":"vip", "age":30, "gender":"male", "purchased":true }

 Once done, Bariliance are going to read these variables and use them as user attributes, The user attributes can be used to define segments and target users on the site and via emails.

This segment also could be used to segment Triggered emails and Recomendations promote product rules.


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