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Feed de productos

Feed de productos

Sergio avatar
Written by Sergio
Updated over 6 years ago

Barilliance Product Feed Specification  Please provide Barilliance with a dedicated product data feed url which can be accessed by our servers. Barilliance will access this url and update catalog data on a regular basis (usually daily). Please notify Barilliance before making changes to the feed.
Supported Formats The feed should be in CSV (preferred) or XML format.  
Data fields:

● Product ID
● Master Product ID
● Category tree
● Name
● Image

● Sale Price
● Retail Price
● Availability
● Gender
● Brand
● Connected Products
● New
●On Sale
● Recent Price Drop
● Best Selling 

Below you’ll find an explanation about some of the fields and how they are used. Fields that are in bold are mandatory
Product ID - A product identifier that is also available on the product and cart pages. Barilliance will use this identifier to understand which product the visitor is viewing or adding to his cart.
Master Product ID  -If the feed includes products in the sub product level (for example, a product that is available in both red and blue variations but both variations share the same product page) this ID will  refer to a master product - the common product for all variations. If the product is not a sub-product this field can remain blank.

Category tree - The category of a product has an important effect on the recommendations. In general when recommending alternatives the system will prioritize items from the same category. When recommending cross-sells the system will prioritize items outside of the product’s category. Please include the category in a format that will include the parent (and grandparent, if applicable) for example:  Appliances > Blenders  Please try to avoid including categories that are not relevant to the product type for example: Gift Ideas > Under $25 

Name - The name of the product as it should be displayed in the recommendations widget. 

Image - The image that should be used when recommending the product. We recommend to use a medium sized image, in most cases this will be the image size used on the category pages. It provides the best trade-off between quality and loading time.
URL - The destination URL when the product is clicked on from the recommendations.
 Sale Price - The price at which the product is currently being sold, will be displayed next to the product.
Retail Price - If the product is discounted and you’d like to display the original price 

Availability - This field is optional if the feed only contains products that are in-stock. The field can state in-stock / out of stock or have the number of remaining units, Barilliance will treat the product as out of stock if the number is 0.
Gender - if a product is gender specific the system can take the  information into account when generating recommendations.
Brand -  Will be used if it’s necessary to limit recommendations to the same brand or if you’d like to display the brand name in the recommendations widget
Connected Products - if there are products that must be recommended together with a specific product (“complete the look”, bundles etc…) then this field should hold a list of  product IDs that need to  be recommended. 

New/On Sale/Recent Price Drop - These optional fields mark the product as new/on sale etc… This information can be used to create recommendation widgets (typically displayed on the homepage) such “New for you” that showcase new products personalized for each visitor
Custom Data Fields Not Mentioned In This Document The Barilliance recommendations engine can take into account custom product attributes  that are unique to your store or the type of products sold in it. These fields can be used to further personalize the recommendations and to create custom user segments (e.g visitors who viewed red items). Some examples would be: color, size, location(e.g the city where a certain service is provided), collection (e.g 2016 winter collection) or series ( e.g Harry Potter).
CSV FEED Example (includes only mandatory fields)
ID,categoryTree,name,image,URL,salePrice,availablity 12345,Winter Jacket,Men's Clothing > Jackets,, nter_jacket.html,$99.99,in stock
XML feed example:

        <categoryTree>Men's Clothing > Jackets</categorytree>
        <name>Winter Jacket</name>
        <availability>in stock</availablity>
         <brand>Some Brand</brand>        
          < connectedProducts>54784|58965|35234</connectedProducts>
      </product> </products>
Technical Note1: if you believe your data might include characters that are illegal in XML (e.g &) please wrap each field in CDATA Technical Note2: if some fields are relevant to some but not all products (e.g size) please include them anyway but leave blank.
Note: The implementation is done manually for each feed and so the names of the fields do not need to conform to a specific format.

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