Web hooks are a simple way for systems to communicate by calling a URL on other systems passing information.
Supported functionality
Barilliance web hooks currently support receiving email addresses from other systems for:
Reporting an email as opted out - which will block it from sending from Barilliance platform.
Reporting an email as GDPR compliant opted In. This covers the use case where the GDPR consent is collected by other systems.
How to generate the webhook endpoint URL
To generate the webhook end point - go to the settings page on your site. find the section Incoming Webhooks and click Get API Access URL button.
The URL given includes a key which limits access only to you. so keep this URL confidential.
Adding the email addresses to the URL
The web hooks are designed for maximum flexibility and compatibility. You can add the email address as POST data, as GET data (as url parameters) or as XML data and call the variable with any name.
Barilliance webhooks processor will simply scan the data given and find the email address.
How to debug the webhooks interface
Once your system has started calling Barilliance we webhook data, you can see the last value found in the interface. It looks like this:
Returned HTTP codes
200 - call successful
202 - partial request - the email address is not found in the data
401 - forbidden - the API key is wrong
405 - the operation is not allowed