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Barilliance Retention Channels and Automation
Barilliance Retention Channels and Automation

How to target visitors on different channels such as email, Web push and FTP export

Nir avatar
Written by Nir
Updated over a year ago

Barilliance Retention allows defining highly targeted audiences and engaging them through various channels. Currently the supported channels are emails, Web push, Facebook Audience, FTP and Website. More channels will be added.

Defining the audiences

In order to define the target audience use the customers drill-down interface (select customers on the top menu).

Use the filters on the left side to target any segment as narrow or wide as your business goals dictate.
When you have defined the target audiences, save them as Segments.

Selecting Engagement Channels

After defining the audience and saving the filter, click 'contact' on the customers page or go start a new rule with 'engage customers' action in the campaigns screen.

Once in the rule editor, decide on the desired channels. 

A corresponding user interface will open for the selected channel(s).
for more information on how to set Facebook Custom Audiences click here
for more information on how to set retention emails TBD

Automatic Continuous Engagement

As visitors visit the website, new users may match the segments defined in the retention filters, while other users may no longer fit the segments, for example if they made a purchase.
Continuous Engagement will refresh the segments periodically to make sure the channels are engaging the right people in the right time.
The refresh happens about every 6 hours. New users entering the segment will receive the notifications.
To activate click the 'Continuous engagement' checkbox in the channels box and make sure the rule itself is active in the rules list.

Channels priorities

In case there are several active channels such as Email and Webpush, only one of the channels will be used for sending, according to the channels priority. The channels priority is:

Web push

This means that if at the time of sending the same visitor is matches both a web push message and an email message, the web push message will be sent because its in higher priority.

Important notes

  1. To prevent the users from receiving messages too often, use the setting "Don't send to users who received an email or web push from this rule/ from any rule in the last  X days" in the segment part of the rules.  It is recommended to make it something like 7 days so if the user stay in the segment the rule will not send more than once in 7 days.

2.  The data used by Retention filters can take some time to update. sometime up to 24 hours after the visit.

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